As we ease into 2022 many of us have made new year’s resolutions. For business owners this included setting corporate goals for the next 365 days. On that goal list somewhere should be “get a business mentor”. Research indicates that your chances of success in business are amplified if you have a mentor (see link at end of blog).
Check out the list of benefits a business mentor brings to your business:
They See What You Can’t
There’s a common saying “you can’t see the forest for the trees”. This old adage describes many owners’ experiences. You’re so close to your business situation you often can’t see the real issues. Many times your difficulties have to do with you, and your perspective. A good business mentor should be able to give you an honest assessment of your faults and shortcomings, and help you build practical solutions.
Stops the Stagnation
A tool I’ve use with clients is having them write out their short, immediate, and long term goals. This process helps them break through periods of stagnation. I recall meeting with a professional client who had been in a holding pattern for years and was hoping to kick-start their firm. In each meeting we reviewed their goals, discussed the potential strategies, and then agreed on timelines to accomplish those goals. At each subsequent meeting we reviewed the objectives and celebrated their progress. Mentors are wired to push you forward through times of sluggishness and inactivity.
Offers Firsthand Experience
I’ve mentioned the importance of firsthand experience in my other blogs, but it bears repeating. Start-up owners face an assortment of difficulties and challenges in the early days of their business. A business mentor can share their firsthand experiences that help you realize that you are not alone in your struggles. A good mentor can provide you with an abundance of tested business insight, knowledge and understanding.
Instills an Overcomer Mindset
It is helpful to have a mentor walk in step with you as you tackle issues in your business. Your mentor can instill in you the confidence to overcome every crisis you face. Conversely, a dedicated mentor will offer you support, encouragement and affirmation when you successfully confront your challenges. Positive reinforcement from your mentor can help build your confidence and give you the necessary conviction to stand by your business decisions.